香港最快现场直播45 香港最快现场直播45


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Power Electronic based New Power Systems

香港最快现场直播45发布日期:2024-12-09 香港最快现场直播45浏览量:

报告时间 2024年12月10日9:30
报告地点 南湖校区教学主楼619教室
主办单位 电气与电子工程学院/科研处
主 讲 人 陈哲

  陈哲,丹麦奥尔堡大学教授、博士生导师,风能研究团队负责人,担任多个国际期刊主编/副主编/编委。主要研究方向主要包括电力电子系统, 现代电力系统、多能源系统、智能电网、可再生能源发电等。发表论文1000多篇IEEE 会士. IET会士,英国特许工程师,丹麦工程院院士,欧州科学与艺术院院士。


       Power systems are in transition as a part of Green Transition. Traditional fossil fuel-based energy technology is being replaced by new and clean energy technologies. Many clean energy related technologies have been developed, e.g., wind and PV generators, green hydrogen electrolysis, heat pumps and various storages, etc. A new energy system is emerging with distinctive features, one of the features is that Power Electronics are gaining dominant role position in power grids, e.g., the interfaces of RE generators, energy storages and electrical vehicles, High Voltage Direct Current transmissions, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems etc. The power systems are becoming very different from the traditional fossil fuel-based technology-based power system, which would significantly change the characteristics of power systems and present many challenges.

     The speech will brief the development of renewable energy and power electronic technologies, and describe power electronics’ applications in power systems, and the associated main challenges, then discuss the possible methods and technologies to deal with the challenges. Some of the relevant work of the research group will also be briefly presented.